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Keystone Java GUI Programming 英文光碟正式版 (4片裝)



Keystone Java GUI Programming 英文光碟正式版 (4片裝)

  市價:新台幣 20300元(美金:579.95元)。

Keystone 公司:介紹J2EE 中JAVA所扮演的角色的學實作教學光碟,一次四片,不囉
嗦,讓你一次學完 Keystone公司所推出的教育系列軟體一向是學習電腦所不可以

Course Description
As the need increases for Web Applications, so does the need for Web
Application Developers. KeyStone's Java? training will provide you with
a strong foundation in the three main areas of web application development:
databases, SQL, HTML and Servlets.

About Trainer
Eric Rich has been employed with Trainix since 1997 and is formally trained
in Java?, Unix/C++, as a Linux Professional and a Langvin Teaching
Professional. Eric developed the Bitstorm ISP Network as the Web
Administrator, and has programmed the management and billing systems. He
has also provided consulting and instructional services for AT&T, IBM, NASA
and the Florida Institute of Technology. This training is a collaborative
project by Trainix, Inc. and Baer Wolf, Inc.
Level 1
1.0 Introduction to GUI Programming
1.1 What is a GUI?
1.2 History of GUI
1.3 What is AWT?
1.4 What is Swing?
1.5 AWT & Swing Differences
1.6 GUI Fundamentals
1.7 What is a Component?
1.8 What is a Container?
1.9 Heavyweight vs. Lightweight
1.10 Model View Controller
1.11 Layout Management
1.12 Containers
1.13 AWT Components
1.14 Swing Components
2.0 Getting Started with AWT
2.1 Creating a GUI
2.2 What is a Frame?
2.3 The Frame Class
2.4 Frame Examples
2.5 The Label Class
2.6 Adding Components
2.7 Label Example
2.8 The Button Class
2.9 Button Example
2.10 The Text Field Class
2.11 Text Field Example
3.0 Getting Started With Swing
3.1 The J Frame Class
3.2 Frame Example
3.3 Closing Frames
3.4 The J Level Class
3.5 Window Panes
3.6 Adding Components
3.7 Label Example
3.8 Marking Up Labels
3.9 J Button Class
3.10 The J Textfield Class
3.11 Pluggable Look and Feels

Level 2
1.0 Layout Management
1.1 Managing the Layout
1.2 Layout Managers
1.3 Swing Layout Managers
1.4 Setting a Layout Manager
1.5 Flow Layout Manager
1.6 Border Layout Manager
1.7 Grid Layout Manager
1.8 Grid Bag Layout Manager
1.9 Box Layout Manager
1.10 Component Spacing
1.11 Managing Extra Space
1.12 Sectioning Frames
1.13 Card Layout Manager
1.14 J Scroll Pane Class
1.15 The J tabbed pane Class
1.16 Using Borders
1.17 Example Title Borders
2.0 Event Handling
2.1 Introduction to Events
2.2 Event Delegation Model
2.3 Event Handler Example
2.4 Register an Event Handler
2.5 Low Level Event Classes
2.6 Swing Event Classes
2.7 Event Listener Interfaces
2.8 Adapter Classes
2.9 Listener Register Methods
2.10 Common Even Methods
2.11 Components
2.12 Even Handling Example Using Inner Classes
2.13 Creating a Custom Event Class

Level 3
1.0 Text Components
1.1 The J Component Class
1.2 Password Fields
1.3 Text Areas
1.4 J Test Area Example
1.5 Working with Editor Panes
1.6 J Editor Pane Example
1.7 The J Text Pane Class
2.0 General Components
2.1 Check Boxes
2.2 Radio Buttons
2.3 Combo Boxes
2.4 Selection Lists
2.5 Tool Bars
2.6 Tool Tips
2.7 Slider Bars
2.8 Progress Indicators
2.9 Menus 4 Takes
3.0 Tables
3.1 Working with Tables
3.2 The J Table Class
3.3 Creating a Basic Table
3.4 Column Widths
3.5 User Selections
3.6 User Interaction
3.7 Retrieving Selected Data
3.8 Selection Editors

Level 4
1.0 Growing Trees
1.1 Visual Tree Elements
1.2 Tree Classes and Interfaces
1.3 Building A Tree
1.4 Connection Lines
1.5 Scrolling Trees
1.6 Selection Modes Selection Events
1.7 Sell Editors
1.9 Custom Sell Editors
2.0 Dialogs and Pop-ups
2.1 What is a Dialog?
2.2 Dialog Classes
2.3 Factory Dialogs
2.4 J File Chooser Class
2.5 Pop-up Menu
3.0 Graphical Programming
3.1 Coordinates
3.2 Painting
3.3 The Graphics Class
3.4 The Color Class
3.5 The Font Class
3.6 Drawing
3.7 Working with Images
4.0 Writing Applets
4.1 What is an Applet?
4.2 Applet Methods
4.3 Applet Life Cycle
4.4 A Basic Applet
4.5 Embedding Applets
4.6 Passing parameters to Applets
4.7 Using Component
4.8 Application to Applet
4.9 The Applet Viewer Utility
