Microsoft Host Integration Server 2000 英文正式版
Microsoft Host Integration Server 2000 英文正式版
Microsoft Internet Security & Acceleration Server 2000 - 整合防火牆與
Host Integration Server 2000 is the next-generation, comprehensive
integration platform that provides the best way to embrace Internet,
intranet, and client/server technologies, while preserving investments
in existing legacy systems.
This overview addresses high-level information that explores Host
Integration Server for comprehensive managed host access, and as an
application integration that is an easy, affordable solution.
-Unbeaten support. Host Integration works with an unbeaten variety of
network protocols and network service types for maximum networking
flexibility. Utilize the included Microsoft ActiveX?enabled,
Web-deployable, 3270 and 5250 clients. You can also choose from an
industry standard list of clients to access and use host resources
quickly and easily.
-Seamless Access From Clients to Host Files, Printing, and
Applications. Host Integration offers an easy client/server user
experience when printing or accessing host-based files.
-Enterprise Scalability and Performance. Support up to 30,000
simultaneous host sessions per server, and utilize Microsoft
Windows?2000 enhancements such as Microsoft Message Queue (MSMQ),
Component Object Model (COM)+, and Microsoft Application Center
-Mission-Critical Reliabilityoad Balancing and Hot Fail-Over. Rely
on Host Integration Server, even for the most demanding situations
with AS/400 or mainframe systems.
-Extended Gateway. Organizations require not only connectivity, but
also comprehensive Windows application integration. Host Integration
Server 2000 provides gateway host-to-Internet or host-to-intranet
application development capabilities out-of-the-box.
-Secure and Easy Access to Data. Get object-oriented and programmatic
access to relational Microsoft SQL Server? DB2, and flat-file data
on mainframes, AS/400, UNIX, Windows 2000, and Microsoft Windows NT?
Server systems. This also extends distributed data access through
two-phase commit service support.
-Transaction and E-Commerce Solution Support. Integrate Microsoft
Transaction Server and COM+ with IBM's CICS or IMS transaction
environments for drag-and-drop simplicity. This includes support for
two-phased commit between platforms.
-Object-Oriented Programming Model. Programmers derive the benefits
of object-oriented, distributed applications, including rapid
development, code re-use, and simpler maintenance.
-Single User Log-on. Streamline and reduces management burden by
automatically and simultaneously authenticating a user on both the
Windows NT domain and on the host system.
-Automatic Synchronization with Password. Map the user ID and
password from Windows NT Server Directory Service to the host system
user ID and password, without requiring changes in the current host
security environment.
-Microsoft Management Console (MMC). With MMC snap-in support, you
get local and remote administration for selected Host Integration
Server 2000 features, including transaction services and host-based,
record-level application development features.
-Virtual Private Network (VPN). With Host Integration Server, you
have secure, low-cost tunneled connectivity through the Internet for
client-to-server and network-to-network VPN features.